According to the results of the research conducted by one of the manufacturers of medicines for erectile dysfunction (ED), this health problem affects about 6 million men in Mexico. Meanwhile, only about 15% of them turn for medical help to normalize the sex life.
In fact, that is the situation common to the overwhelming majority of countries. A significant part of men suffering from ED and other sexual disorders prefer to ignore the problem, since they feel too embarrassed to discuss it with a doctor. Another crucial reason why men do not try medical treatment ― ED medications are pricey enough, so, many patients cannot afford them. More to the point, as a rule, a man needs to take those remedies on a frequent basis throughout the life, which means regular expenses. For many customers that is a serious problem, but we know how to solve it. So, keep on reading.
Basic Info about Erectile Dysfunction
- ED is the condition when a man cannot reach an erection that is firm enough for penetration and satisfying intercourse or cannot preserve it strong for a sufficient period. If a man have experienced such a failure once or twice, that is not a symptom of ED. Those episodes can be related to stress, tiredness or overexcitement. In the case of ED, such erectile problems are frequent.
- ED can be caused by and associated with an extensive range of factors: from psychological problems and relationship difficulties to an unhealthy lifestyle and coexisting diseases, like diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart diseases, high cholesterol, obesity and others.
- In the overwhelming majority of cases, a doctor can help a patient to get control over ED within a short period of time.
Available ED Medications
As of today, there is an extensive selection of medications that are successfully used for overcoming ED. The most popular items are Viagra, Cialis, Stendra and Levitra. Let us discuss them in detail.
In fact, all of them have an identical mechanism of action. They make muscles in blood vessels relax, which increases a blood flow in a penis and makes an erection stronger and longer. Such medicines do not cause erections on their own, they do not work if a man is not sexually aroused. They just intensify a natural erectile process.
Certainly, that is an advantage. First of all, a man does not have accidental erections at improper moments. Secondly, an erection itself looks quite natural, so, if man does not want to tell his partner about his erectile problems, it will be easy to keep them secret. The main point is to take a pill without attracting attention.
In practice, such ED products do not cure ED, they just help to get rid of it for a certain period, their effect is temporary, that is why there is no need to use them every day. A patient should take them only before sexual intercourse. Most of them work for about several hours: Viagra ― 4 hours, Levitra ― 4–5 hours, Stendra ― 6 hours. But the effect of Cialis lasts up to 36 hours.
One should also note that for those men who prefer to be ready for sex on a constant basis, there is a daily version of Cialis. It contains a reduced dose of the active ingredient and is taken every day. As a result, a man can have satisfying sex without any preparations.
Sure, to choose the suitable ED drug, one should turn to a doctor, since such products have a significant number of contraindications. Besides, before taking any pills, one should determine the initial cause of ED, so that the treatment is safe and effective.
How to Get ED Medicines at Low Prices
ED medications are available at almost each and every local pharmacy in Mexico (as well as in other countries), since they enjoy great demand. But prices can vary dramatically depending on the pharmacy network chosen. Sure, today, one can also order such medicines online. That saves time, effort and money. On the Internet, there are hundreds and even thousands of drugstores offering ED medicines and other healthcare products, but the best choice is Mexico City Pharmacy. This website has been working for many years and has managed to establish a reputation as a trustworthy company that treats customers’ health as the highest priority and takes special care of the quality of goods. On this website, one can buy ED medications, as well as products for solving other health problems, at the prices that are significantly cheaper than at offline facilities and receive them within a minimal term both in Mexico and abroad.
Expert Recommendations on ED Treatment
- If you notice ED symptoms on a regular basis, turn to a doctor without a delay. That condition can be easily treated with the help of suitable medications.
- If you plan to have sex and to take an ED medicine, avoid fatty and heavy foods. Such meals may slow down absorption of a medication, as a result, it may take you much more time to feel the effect. Also, the effect received may be weaker.
- It is highly inadvisable to mix alcohol with ED medicines, since that may both intensify side effects and weaken an erection.
- If ED is related to a concurrent disease or disorder, taking control over the initial problem is a must.
- If an ED medicine fails to work from the very first try, there is a chance that the organism just needs more time to adjust to its action.
- In case you suffer from ED, you can help medications work more effectively by switching to a healthier lifestyle. Here are some of the habits that will make a positive impact on the situation:
- to keep to a healthy weight;
- to avoid or at least to minimize junk food and products with transfats;
- to stop smoking;
- to minimize alcohol consumption (especially before sexual intercourse);
- to get more exercise (if there is no opportunity to regularly practice sports, you can try walking, riding a bicycle or playing games outdoors).
As you can see, today, dealing with ED is pretty simple. The main point is to have a sincere talk with a doctor and to stick to his recommendations. The specialist will easily help you make your sex life active, bright and satisfying again.